“The extent to which sex-specific genetic effects contribu

“The extent to which sex-specific genetic effects contribute to phenotypic variation is largely unknown. We applied a novel Bayesian method, sparse partitioning, to detect gene by sex (GxS) and gene by gene (GxG) quantitative loci (QTLs) in 1,900 outbred heterogeneous stock mice. In an analysis of 55 phenotypes, we detected 16 GxS and 6 GxG QTLs. The increase in the amount of phenotypic

variance explained by models including GxS was small, ranging from 0.14% to 4.30%. We conclude that GxS rarely make a large overall contribution to www.selleckchem.com/products/ch5424802.html the heritability of phenotypes, however there are cases where these will be individually important.”
“Objectives. We examined population-level impact on customer awareness and use and explored potential disparities in outcomes regarding the King County, Washington, regulation requiring chain restaurants to provide calorie information. Methods. Ruboxistaurin nmr We analyzed 2008 to 2010 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data from 3132 English-speaking King County residents aged 18 years and older who reported eating at a regulated chain. We used regression models to assess changes in calorie information

awareness and use from prepolicy to postpolicy implementation by customer demographics, health status, and restaurant type. Results. Calorie information awareness and use increased significantly from 2008 to 2010. Unadjusted analyses indicated that the proportion who saw and used calorie information tripled, from 8.1% to 24.8%. Fully adjusted analyses confirmed significant increases. After policy implementation, White, higher income, and obese respondents had greater odds of seeing calorie information. Women, higher income groups, and those eating at a fast-food versus a sit-down chain restaurant were more likely to use this information. Conclusions. Significant increases in calorie information awareness and use following regulation support the population-wide value of this policy. However, improvements

varied across race, income, and gender.”
“The mTORC1 kinase promotes growth in response to growth factors, energy levels, and amino acids, and its activity is often NSC 19893 deregulated in disease. The Rag GTPases interact with mTORC1 and are proposed to activate it in response to amino acids by promoting mTORC1 translocation to a membrane-bound compartment that contains the mTORC1 activator, Rheb. We show that amino acids induce the movement of mTORC1 to lysosomal membranes, where the Rag proteins reside. A complex encoded by the MAPKSP1, ROBLD3, and c11orf59 genes, which we term Ragulator, interacts with the Rag GTPases, recruits them to lysosomes, and is essential for mTORC1 activation.

(C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved “
“Recently, stud

(C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Recently, studies on dendritic cell (DC) vaccine have focused on the development of more effective DC vaccine regimen, such as the application of multiple tumor-associated antigen-targeted DC vaccine. This approach could be used to enhance efficacy of DC-based vaccine against tumors and infectious diseases. In this study, we analyzed whether DC from patients with hepatocellular carcinoma can

be infected with the a-fetoprotein (AFP) gene and/or HBsAg gene (hepatocellular carcinoma-related antigen). Further, it was examined whether vaccination using these genetically engineered DC can induce stronger therapeutic antitumor immunity. Results revealed

that DC infected ABT-263 inhibitor with AdAFP (adenovirus AFP)/HBsAg can express AFP and HBsAg by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and Western blot techniques. Compared with those before transfection, the expressions of membrane molecules increased dramatically. Specific T cells generated by DCs infected with AdAFP/HBsAg specifically recognized human leukocyte antigen-matched HepG2.2.15 cell lines. Moreover, the cytotoxic activity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes against HepG2.2.15 with DCs expressing AFP was significantly augmented by coinfection with the HBsAg gene. Administration with such vaccine also significantly increased the MLN4924 cost production of interleukin-12p70 and interferon-gamma. Most importantly, in vivo results suggested that inhibitors of tumor growth were most significant in severe combined immunodeficiency mice model, which was treated with induced cytotoxic T lymphocyte by the AFP/HBsAg-DC vaccine. These results indicate that a vaccination therapy using DCs coinfected with the two tumor-associated antigen genes is an effective strategy for immunotherapy in the activation of DCs, CD4(+) T cells, and

CD8(+) T cells, and may be useful in the clinical application of cancer vaccine therapy. (c) 2010 American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“A new norditerpene alkaloid, 10-hydroxy-8-O-methyltalatizamine (1), was isolated from the whole plant of Aconitum anthora L. besides the known isotalatizidine (2) and hetisinone STI571 manufacturer (3). The structures were determined by means of HR-ESI-MS, 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy, including (1)H-(1)H COSY, NOESY, HSQC and HMBC experiments, resulting in complete (1)H and (13)C chemical shift assignments for 1-3, and revision of some earlier (13)C-NMR data. The effects of the isolated compounds, together with twenty-one other Aconitum alkaloids with different skeletal types and substitution patterns, on hERG channels were studied by the whole-cell patch clamp technique, using the QPatch-16 automated patch clamp system.

However, such an approach should be applied with caution and nece

However, such an approach should be applied with caution and necessitates close follow-up on a long-term basis. (Tex Heart Inst J 2011;38(2):197-200)”
“Classical Chinese poems have strict regulations on the acoustic pattern of each syllable and are semantically meaningless. Using INCB028050 such poems, this study characterized the temporal order of tone and vowel processing using event-related potentials (ERPs). The target syllable of the poem was either correct or deviated from the correct syllable at

tone, vowel or both levels. Vowel violation elicited a negative effect between 300 and 500 ms regardless of the tone correctness, while tone violation elicited a positive effect between 600 and 1000 ms. The results suggest that the vowel information was available earlier than the tone information. Moreover, there was an interaction between the effect of vowel and tone violations between 600 and 1000 ms, showing that the vowel violation produced a positive effect only when the tone was correct. This indicates that vowel

and tone processing interacts in the later processing stage, which involves both error detection and reanalysis of the spoken input. Implications of the present results for models of speech perception are discussed.”
“Objectives: Perry syndrome consists of autosomal dominant Parkinsonism, depression, weight loss, and central hypoventilation. Eight mutations in 16 families have been reported: p.F52L, p.G67D, p.G71R, p.G71E, p.G71A, p.T72P, p.Q74P, and p.Y78C located in exon 2 of the dynactin 1 LY3039478 ic50 (DCTN1) gene on chromosome 2p13.1. Methods: Genealogical, clinical, genetic, and functional studies were performed in three kindreds from New Zealand, the United States, and Colombia. A diaphragmatic pacemaker was implanted in the proband from the Colombian family to treat her respiratory

GSK2245840 in vitro insufficiency. Dopaminergic therapy was initiated in probands from two families. Results: Besides the probands, 17 symptomatic relatives from all families were identified. The cardinal signs of Perry syndrome were present in all three probands with symptomatic disease onset in their fifth or sixth decade of life. Parkinsonism was moderate with a partial response to dopaminergic treatment. All affected persons but two died of respiratory insufficiency. The proband from the Colombian family is alive most likely due to early diagnosis and implantation of a diaphragmatic pacemaker. Two-and-a-half-year follow-up examination has revealed that the diaphragmatic pacemaker is optimally functioning without any major complications. In the Colombian and US families, the DCTN1 p.G71R and in the New Zealand family the DCTN1 p.Y78C mutations were identified. In functional assays, both mutations altered microtubule binding consistent with a pathogenic role. Conclusions: Perry syndrome is a rare condition, but new cases are expected to be diagnosed worldwide. Early diagnosis prevents life-threatening acute respiratory failure.

Investigations in this simple organism often guide the direction

Investigations in this simple organism often guide the direction of chemotaxis studies in areas such as forming concepts, discovering molecular components, revealing pathways and networks. The cooperation between experimental approaches and computational modeling has helped us

to comprehend the signaling network as a system. To further reveal the relationships among the molecular mechanisms of individual signaling steps, a continuous interplay between model development and refinement and experimental testing and verification will be useful. This article focuses on a chemoattractant G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)/G-protein gradient sensing machinery, which ismonitored by PIP(3) responses and investigated by the interplay between live cell imaging LY3023414 concentration experiments and computational modeling.

We believe that such an approach will lead to a much better understanding of GPCR-controlled chemotaxis of all eukaryotic cells. (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. WIREs Syst Biol Med 2011 3 717-727 DOI: 10.1002/wsbm.143″
“The effects of formulation and storage time on the physicochemical and rheological properties of a stirred yogurt, with the inclusion of a Mexican caramel jam (“cajeta”) as a flavor source, were studied. The systems were prepared by following a factorial design, analyzed after formulation and during four weeks of storage by studying three factors: fat, caramel, and x-carrageenan with different levels. Formulation as well as the storage time 17DMAG clinical trial influenced in a different degree both properties: physicochemical and flow. Soluble solids and moisture were stable, pH decreased while acidity PLK inhibitor augmented; the luminosity remained constant but redness and yellowness showed an inverse

relationship as a function of storage. The non Newtonian behavior of the flavored yogurt was fitted by the Herschel and Bulkley model, in which fat increased the yield stress and consistency coefficient; both parameters increased with storage in contrary to the flow behavior index. Dynamic tests and microscopy observations completed the characterization, a weak gel was identified. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Background and aim of the study: The early diastolic transmitral velocity/early mitral annular diastolic velocity ratio (E/Ea) reflects left ventricular (LV) filling pressure in a variety of cardiac diseases. The value of this parameter in patients with significant mitral regurgitation (MR) remains controversial. It has been hypothesized that, by combining the index of diastolic function (E/Ea) and a parameter that explores LV systolic performance (Sa, mitral annulus peak systolic velocity), a close prediction of the LV end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) can be provided. Hence, the study aim was to assess the relationship between a new parameter, E/(EaxSa), and LVEDP in patients with severe MR.

The aim of the sustainability of healthcare innovations (SUSHI) s

The aim of the sustainability of healthcare innovations (SUSHI) study is to analyse sustainability and its determinants using two implementation cases.\n\nMethods: This observational study uses a mixed methods approach. The study will be performed in 14 hospitals in the Netherlands, from November 2010. For both implementation cases, the programme aspects and the effects will be evaluated by means of a follow-up measurement in 160 patients who underwent breast cancer surgery and 300 patients who underwent colonic

surgery. A policy cost-effectiveness analysis from a societal perspective will be performed prospectively for the Short Stay Programme for breast cancer surgery in 160 patients. To study determinants of sustainability key professionals in the

multidisciplinary care processes and implementation change agents this website INCB024360 will be interviewed using semi-structured interviews.\n\nDiscussion: The concept of sustainability is not commonly studied in implementation science. The SUSHI study will provide insight in to what extent the short-term implementation benefits have been maintained and in the determinants of long-term continuation of programme activities.”
“This systematic review identifies the factors that both support and deter patients from being willing and able to participate actively in reducing clinical errors. Specifically, we add to our understanding of the safety culture in healthcare by engaging with the call for more focus on the relational and subjective factors which enable patients’ participation (Iedema, Jorm, & Lum, 2009; Ovretveit, 2009). A systematic search of six databases, ten journals and seven healthcare organisations’ web sites resulted in the identification of 2714 studies of which 68 were included in the review. These studies investigated initiatives involving patients in safety GSK1120212 research buy or studies of patients’ perspectives of being actively involved in the safety of their care. The factors explored varied considerably depending on the scope, setting and context of the study. Using

thematic analysis we synthesized the data to build an explanation of why, when and how patients are likely to engage actively in helping to reduce clinical errors. The findings show that the main factors for engaging patients in their own safety can be summarised in four categories: illness; individual cognitive characteristics; the clinician patient relationship; and organisational factors. We conclude that illness and patients’ perceptions of their role and status as subordinate to that of clinicians are the most important barriers to their involvement in error reduction. In sum, patients’ fear of being labelled “difficult” and a consequent desire for clinicians’ approbation may cause them to assume a passive role as a means of actively protecting their personal safety. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Background: Glenoid bone deficiencies may be addressed by specialized components.

Taken together, caspase activation and Fas/FasL interaction was f

Taken together, caspase activation and Fas/FasL interaction was found to be involved in tanghinigenin-induced HL-60 cell apoptosis. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Objective. Our prospective study aimed to demonstrate that the cumulative synovial power Doppler (PD) ultrasound scores correlate with radiographic progression better than conventional measures in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We also investigated the difference between antirheumatic agents.\n\nMethods. Sixty-nine

patients with RA who had recently received either methotrexate (MTX; n = 23), tumor necrosis factor JQ-EZ-05 inhibitor (TNF) antagonists (n = 28), or tocilizumab (TCZ; n = 18) were enrolled. Patients underwent clinical, laboratory, and ultrasonographic assessment at baseline, 12 weeks, and 24 weeks. Radiographic damage was evaluated using van der Heijde modified total Sharp score (TSS) at baseline and 24 weeks.\n\nResults. Fifty-seven patients continued the same treatment regimen for 24 weeks and completed the study, and 21 patients (36.8%) showed radiographic progression during the study period. In all patients, Delta check details TSS significantly

correlated both with cumulative 28-joint Disease Activity Score C-reactive protein (DAS28-CRP; rho = 0.342, p = 0.009) and cumulative total PD scores (rho = 0.357, p = 0.006). In MTX-treated patients, cumulative total PD scores significantly correlated with ATSS (rho = 0.679, p = 0.004), whereas cumulative DAS28-CRP did not (rho = 0.487, p = 0.056). However, cumulative total PD scores did not correlate PP2 clinical trial with Delta TSS in TNF antagonist treated or TCZ-treated patients.\n\nConclusion. Our data confirm the evidence that synovial PD activity more accurately reflects active synovial inflammation (which actually causes joint destruction) than do conventional measures in patients treated with MTX. Our data also indicate that TNF antagonists can inhibit short-term radiographic progression in the presence of active synovitis.”
“The association

between vitamin D and thyroid cancer is unclear. It is unknown if CYP27A1 or CYP2R1 are present in normal thyroid or cancer cells and there is limited information regarding response to treatment with vitamin D. SV40 immortalized follicular cells (N-thy) and six thyroid cancer cell lines were treated with 10 mu M vitamin D-3, 0.1 mu M 1,25(OH)(2)D-3 or vehicle x 24 h. CYP27A1, CYP2R1, CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 mRNA were measured using quantitative real-time-PCR before and after treatment. Cell proliferation was also evaluated in TPC1 and C643 cells after treatment with D-3, 25(OH)D-3 and 1,25(OH)(2)D-3. Baseline CYP27A1 and CYP27B1 mRNA were present in all cells, CYP2R1 was higher and CYP24A1 mRNA was lower in cancer cell lines versus N-thy. TPC1 cells had increased CYP24A1 mRNA levels when treated with both D-3 (3.49, p < 0.001) and 1,25(OH)(2)D-3 (5.

05) after a single cycle of chemotherapy Receiver operator chara

05) after a single cycle of chemotherapy. Receiver operator characteristic analysis showed that the AUC of the

signal enhancement ratio washout volume was 0.75, and the AUCs of k(ep) estimated by three models were 0.78, 0.76, and 0.73, respectively.\n\nConclusionIn summary, the signal enhancement ratio washout volume and k(ep) appear to predict breast cancer response after one cycle of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. This observation should be confirmed with additional prospective studies. Magn Reson Med 71:1592-1602, 2014. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.”
“Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) levels in the diagnosis click here of metabolic syndrome (MS) in obese Japanese children.\n\nMethods: We examined 193 obese boys (mean age: 12.1 yrs; mean percent overweight [POW]: 53.9%) and 37 obese girls (mean age: 11.4 yrs; mean POW: 57.2%). Anthropometric measurements, blood pressure and levels of liver transaminases, serum lipids and lipoproteins, fasting blood glucose (FBG), serum insulin and adiponectin were measured. The subjects were divided into either an MS or a non-MS group according to the Galardin chemical structure MS definition criteria for Japanese children.\n\nResults: The level of GPT was significantly higher in the MS group in both genders. Correlation analysis revealed positive correlations

between GPT and waist circumference, blood pressure, maximum preperitoneal fat thickness, serum insulin and homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-R), but no correlation between GPT and FBG. ANOVA showed a significant difference in GPT levels between MS and non-MS subgroups, whereas there was no difference in FBG between the

two groups. Receiver operating characteristic curves demonstrated that GPT was clearly superior to FBG as a diagnostic marker of MS.\n\nConclusion: We conclude that an elevation in GPT in obese children most likely reflects insulin resistance and that GPT is selleck compound superior to FBG as a marker of MS.”
“BACKGROUNDS: Some symptoms present in melanoma patients are directly related to psychological stress, which emphasizes the need to evaluate quality of life (QoL) in these patients at all the stages of their disease. Objectives: The objective of this study was to evaluate quality of life in a sample of patients diagnosed with melanoma, using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General (FACT-G) questionnaire.\n\nMETHODS: A descriptive, cross sectional study was conducted between July and December, 2006 with all patients with skin melanoma receiving follow-up care at the Department of Dermatology of the Porto Alegre Teaching Hospital, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.\n\nRESULTS: Sixty patients were included in the study. Mean age was 55.6 years. Poor education level (primary school or less) was associated with a poorer FACT-G score.

Because many 7-transmembrane and growth factor receptors promote

Because many 7-transmembrane and growth factor receptors promote atherosclerosis, we hypothesized that the multifunctional adaptor proteins beta-arrestin1 and -2 might regulate this

pathological process. Deficiency of beta-arrestin2 in ldlr(-/-) mice reduced aortic atherosclerosis by 40% and decreased the prevalence of atheroma SMCs by 35%, suggesting that beta-arrestin2 promotes atherosclerosis through effects on SMCs. To test this potential atherogenic mechanism more specifically, we performed carotid endothelial VDA inhibitor denudation in congenic wild-type, beta-arrestin1(-/-), and beta-arrestin2(-/-) mice. Neointimal hyperplasia was enhanced in beta-arrestin1(-/-) mice, and diminished in beta-arrestin2(-/-) mice. Neointimal cells expressed SMC markers and did not derive from bone marrow progenitors, as demonstrated by bone marrow transplantation with green compound screening assay fluorescent protein-transgenic cells. Moreover, the reduction in neointimal hyperplasia seen in beta-arrestin2(-/-) mice was not altered by transplantation with either wild-type or beta-arrestin2(-/-) bone marrow cells. After carotid injury, medial SMC extracellular

signal-regulated kinase activation and proliferation were increased in beta-arrestin1(-/-) and decreased in beta-arrestin2(-/-) mice. Concordantly, thymidine incorporation and extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation and migration evoked by 7-transmembrane receptors were greater than wild type in beta-arrestin1(-/-) SMCs and less in beta-arrestin2(-/-)

SMCs. Proliferation was less than wild type in beta-arrestin2(-/-) SMCs but not in beta-arrestin2(-/-) endothelial cells. We conclude that beta-arrestin2 aggravates atherosclerosis through mechanisms involving SMC proliferation and migration and that these SMC activities are regulated reciprocally by beta-arrestin2 and beta-arrestin1. These findings identify inhibition of Selleck MG-132 beta-arrestin2 as a novel therapeutic strategy for combating atherosclerosis and arterial restenosis after angioplasty.”
“An international multilaboratory collaborative study was conducted to develop standard media and consensus methods for the performance and quality control of antimicrobial susceptibility testing of Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Mycoplasma hominis, and Ureaplasma urealyticum using broth microdilution and agar dilution techniques. A reference strain from the American Type Culture Collection was designated for each species, which was to be used for quality control purposes. Repeat testing of replicate samples of each reference strain by participating laboratories utilizing both methods and different lots of media enabled a 3-to4-dilution MIC range to be established for drugs in several different classes, including tetracyclines, macrolides, ketolides, lincosamides, and fluoroquinolones.

In conclusion, Doc would seem to trigger apoptosis in hormone-ref

In conclusion, Doc would seem to trigger apoptosis in hormone-refractory prostate cancer cells via mitotic catastrophe through two forms of mitotic exit, in concomitance with increased p21 expression and caspase-2 activation.”
“To make a tumor targeting nano-sized drug delivery system, biocompatible and biodegradable glycol chitosan (M-W=250

kDa) was modified with hydrophobic cholanic acid. The resulting hydrophobically modified glycol chitosans (HGCs) that formed nano-sized self-aggregates in an aqueous medium were investigated as an anticancer drug carrier in cancer treatment. Insoluble anticancer drug, cisplatin (CDDP), was easily encapsulated into the hydrophobic cores of HGC narroparticles by a dialysis method, wherein the drug loading efficiency was about 80%. CP-868596 research buy The CCDP-encapsulated HGC (CDDP-HGC) nanoparticles were well-dispersed in aqueous media and they formed a nanoparticles structure with

a mean diameter about 300-500 nm. As a nano-sized drug carrier, the CDDP-HGC nanoparticles DAPT mw released the drug in a sustained manner for a week and they were also less cytotoxic than was free CDDP, probably because of sustained release of CDDP from the HGC narroparticles. The tumor targeting ability of CDDP-HGC nanoparticles was confirmed by in vivo live animal imaging with near-infrared fluorescence Cy5.5-labeled CDDP-HGC nanoparticles. It was observed that CDDP-HGC nanoparticles were successfully accumulated by tumor tissues in tumor-bearing mice, because of the prolonged circulation and enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect of CDDP-HGC narroparticles ON-01910 in tumor-bearing mice. As expected, the CDDP-HGC nanoparticles showed higher antitumor efficacy and lower toxicity compared to free CDDP, as shown by changes in tumor volumes, body weights, and survival rates, as well as by immunohistological TUNEL assay data. Collectively, the present results indicate that HGC nanoparticles are a promising carrier for the anticancer drug

CDDP. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Background: As a known regulator of apoptosis, survivin has positive relationship with lymphatic metastasis in breast cancer. This study aims to detect the difference in expression between survivin and vascular endothelial growth factor-C (VEGF-C) in treated breast cancer cells and tissues, and to analyze the correlation among survivin, VEGF-C and lymphatic metastasis.\n\nMethods: Plasmid with survivin and VEGF-C shRNA and lentivirus with survivin gene were constructed and transfected into breast cancer cell ZR-75-30. Then the expressions of the two genes were examined using western blot analysis and real-time PCR. The change of invasiveness of breast cancer cells was assessed using matrigel invasion assay.

A challenging approach is the use of stem cells to repair the hea

A challenging approach is the use of stem cells to repair the heart, in itself an inspiring thought. In the past 10 years, stem cells from different sources have been under intense investigation and, selleck inhibitor as a result, a multitude of studies have been published on the identification, isolation, and characterization, of cardiovascular progenitor cells and repair in different animal models. However, relatively few cardiovascular

progenitor populations have been identified in human hearts, including, but not limited to, cardiosphere-derived cells , cKit+ human cardiac stem cells , Isl1+ cardiovascular progenitors , and, in our lab, cardiomyocyte progenitor cells (CMPCs) . Here, we aim to provide a comprehensive summary of the past findings and present challenges for future therapeutic potential of CMPCs.”
“Ventricular oversensing remains a significant problem in modern implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) systems. The role of manufacturer-related differences

in device-based signal processing on the one hand and sensing lead properties on the other AR-13324 is largely unknown. This retrospective study aimed to evaluate and compare the incidence and mechanisms of ventricular oversensing in single- or dual-chamber ICD systems from Biotronik (BTK), Guidant (GDT), and Medtronic (MDT).\n\nIn 245 consecutive patients, device function, stored episodes, and lead parameters were evaluated at Thiazovivin implant and during 243 +/- 18 days of follow-up. Oversensing occurred in 3.3% of the patients [four T-wave oversensing (TWO), three R-wave double-sensing,

and one diaphragmatic myopotentials]. The incidence of ventricular oversensing was generally low if an ICD device and an ICD lead were from one identical manufacturer (BTK: 2/68, GDT: 1/80, and MDT: 1/69; P = 0.67). In the subgroup of ICDs connected to leads from other manufacturers, however, ventricular oversensing was observed in none of 19 GDT and MDT ICDs but in 4 of 9 BTK devices (44.4%, P = 0.012). These four cases of oversensing (three R-wave double-sensing and one TWO) all occurred in BTK ICDs connected to integrated bipolar ICD leads from other manufacturers.\n\nSignificant manufacturer-related differences exist in the incidence of ventricular oversensing in single- and dual-chamber ICD systems. Biotronik devices connected to integrated bipolar ICD leads from other manufacturers have an increased risk for R-wave double-sensing.”
“The subcellular localization of NO generation in soybean cotyledons, and the relationship between NO synthesis and in vivo chloroplast performance were studied. Employing the NO probe 4-aminomethyl-2′,7′-difluorofluorescein diacetate (DAF-FM DA) and fluorescence microscopy, a strongly punctuated fluorescence was detected in mesophyll cells.